5646 SE 28th St.
Ocala, FL 34480
At St. George Anglican Cathedral…
- We accept wholly, as the Rule of Faith, the three Creeds: 1) The Apostles Creed, 2) The Nicene Creed, and 3) The Athanasian Creed.
- The Holy Scriptures, the inspired word of God, contain all doctrine required as necessary for eternal salvation through faith in Jesus Christ and we teach nothing as necessary to eternal salvation that cannot be proved, or reasonably concluded from the Scriptures.
- Given the difficulties of even the most scholarly and faithful of translations, Holy Scripture and the teachings of Jesus must be interpreted. We believe the ancient Fathers and Doctors of the undivided Church to have received the original deposit of Apostolic Faith and Practice, and we reject any interpretation not in accord with the tradition and teaching given by them to the early Church.
- The decisions taken in the first four General Councils of the Church have always been accepted by the Anglican Church, and we accept them as truly and faithfully stating the mind of the whole of Christ’s Body; -- as being in accord with the Holy Scripture and Apostolic tradition and teaching given by them to the early Church.
- Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, the Word of God incarnate, --was the full and complete revelation of God to mankind. Through Him were revealed once and for always the nature of God and His Commandments for His people, and these revelations are not to be altered, set aside, or added to by any so-called “revelation” to or through any mortal being. Therefore nothing is to be accepted as true to the Faith that has not been believed by the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church always and everywhere.
- All things are possible with God, and it has always been so. Therefore we must know that God’s choice of two distinct and different sexes as the basis of mankind was intentional, and in fulfillment of His Plan. Male and female created He them, and joined them together in Holy Matrimony. They form the perfect whole; each bringing different, but complementary strengths to the Christian family and the Christian home.
- Jesus of Nazareth, the Divine Son, was in no way constrained by the social customs of His time, and frequently violated those customs that eternal truths might be proclaimed. We therefore know that His choice of men only to be His Apostles, and the Apostles’ choice (and obedient teaching) of men only as Bishops, Priests, and Deacons was part of the Divine Plan for the Church, and is not to be altered by human decision.
- As we accept Jesus as the arch-type for manhood, so we accept Mary, the Holy Virgin Mother, as the arch-type and model for womanhood, and we revere her as the obedient and faithful agent of the Incarnation.
- We believe that a faithful and godly Bishop is called to be a successor to the office and work of the Apostles, and that he is therefore to be accepted as the Chief Shepherd and Spiritual Guide of his clergy and his people. He is called to exert his leadership in accordance with the teachings of Scripture (especially as set forth in the Pastoral Epistles of St. Paul to Timothy and Titus), and to exert such authority as is consistent with faithful acceptance of his pastoral responsibility. We look upon the whole of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church as the Body of which Christ is the head, and we believe that wherever the faithful people of God are gathered around a true Bishop, there is a part of that Body.
- We see the priests of the Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church as the assistants to the Bishop in the exercise of his Apostolic Office, with limited sacramental and ecclesiastical powers and authorities derived through their Ordination and the Laying on of Hands by a Bishop who is himself in full and rightful exercise of the Apostolic Office. A Priest is responsible to God and to the Bishop within whose jurisdiction he is serving for faithfully carrying out the vows taken by him at his Ordination, and for the spiritual care of the congregation he is serving.
- We believe the mission of the true Church is to be the living community of the People of God, followers of the Lord Jesus Christ Who is the Head; to proclaim the Gospel and call the world and the worldly to repentance; and never to be moved by the changing patterns of human preference; or the pressures of the errant and ungodly.
- A Christian truly follows Christ as he is a faithful member of His Body, the Church, and is an integral and participating part of the Community of the People of God.
- The mission of a true disciple of Our Lord Jesus Christ is to be obedient to the Will of God, as revealed in the teachings and commandments of Jesus the Divine Son, always and everywhere bearing witness to the Faith by the evidence of the Fruits of the Spirit in his life and conversation.
- We accept not only the two Sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion specifically directed by Our Lord, but also the five additional Sacraments of Confirmation, Holy Matrimony, Penance, Unction, and the Holy Orders accepted as such by the undivided Church from the earliest times. The Sacraments are the principal path through which God’s Grace is mediated to the followers of Christ. Of these Sacraments we believe that the Eucharist, the Holy Communion, is central and essential to the Spiritual life and witness of a follower of Jesus Christ. The Eucharist is the only complete service of worship in the Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, and without the frequent and devout reception of the sacramental Body and Blood of Christ there can be no true “life” in His mature disciples. (John 6:53)
- The Divine Offices (Morning and Evening Prayer) are the Church’s answer to our Lord’s direction to “pray without ceasing”, and they would be a regular part of the life of every Christian.
- The Sacrament of Unction (anointing with consecrated oil with prayer for healing) should be a natural part of the life of every Christian. We believe that in addition to taking advantage of the knowledge given by God to physicians, the Sacrament of Unction should be requested on any occasion of illness of body, mind, or spirit.
- While the Anglican Church has never denied that in response to repentance and contrition, the confession of sin directly to God through Jesus Christ as our intermediary will bring His forgiveness and reconciliation, the history of the human weakness of God’s people has shown that periodic resort to the Sacrament of Penance (confession to a Priest or Bishop) is a great privilege, and beneficial in assuring and strengthening a life in complete reconciliation with God. We therefore encourage our people to resort to that Sacrament whenever they are burdened by a grave sense of guilt, and in any case once a year, preferably during Lent.
- The Biblical Standard of the “Tithe of the increase” is the minimum prescription for “rendering unto God that which is God’s”, and, insofar as the inescapable requirements of human living permit, God’s gifts of time and Talent should likewise be shared.
- Normal human beings live much of their lives through the use and acceptance of symbols. It is right and good to make use of Holy Symbols, -- Music, Color, Candles, Incense, symbolic liturgical vestments, Song, and Procession among them, -- to help bring God’s People in Worship to the feeling of being close to God, and of giving themselves wholly to Him. Such is the right custom of the Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.
- God has never promised that the human desires of His people would always be fulfilled, nor that the road of the disciple would be easy. He did promise that commitment to Him and Trust in His Love would bring the greatest of all gifts, -- peace of mind, -- inner tranquility, -- the Peace of God, -- that carries with it the strength through the Grace of God to stand against and above human and natural tragedy. We so believe, and we endeavor so to walk.